Solar Installations

WBMLP's Headquarters
WBMLP Headquarters

Solar Information You Need from WBMLP

Solar Panel and System Installations in West Boylston are subject to specific rules, guidelines, rates and regulations instituted by WBMLP and/or the Commonwealth of MA and the Federal Govenment. Please familiarize yourself with all rules before attempting an installation or hiring a contractor.

When in doubt, contact us before undertaking any solar project. Send us an email. Or call us at (508) 835-3681.

photo of solar panels on a rooftop with the sun reflecting


  • Residential solar system maximum size is 10kW (AC)
  • Commercial solar system size is 90% of the annual average of the (12) monthly peaks, up to 60kW (AC) maximum
  • Minimize shading from foliage and structures to 20% or less
  • Solar panels should generally face between 90 degrees and 270 degrees (southerly)
  • WBMLP’s average residential electricity rate is approximately $0.13 per kWh and hasn’t increased since 2009
  • Customers derive the most value from offsetting monthly consumption and our $0.13 retail electricity rate, while minimizing the amount of extra solar generation we purchase
  • WBMLP will purchase excess solar energy at the market price of energy for Central MA which ranges from $.02-.05/kWh
  • Consider a Battery Storage System to store excess energy generated during the day to use at night or during outages
  • Consider using Electric Heat Pump HVAC equipment and Heat Pump Hot Water Heating to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce your operating costs, and match consumption with solar generation

Federal Tax Credits

  • 26% for systems placed in service after 12/31/2019 and before 01/01/2021, five-year carryover provision*
  • 22% for systems placed in service after 12/31/2020 and before 01/01/2022, five-year carryover provision*

State Tax Credits

  • 15% credit of the net expenditure for a renewable energy system, up to $1,000, three-year carryover provision*

* Verify and confirm the state and federal tax incentives as they are subject to fluctuation and change. As always, please consult with your tax advisor or accountant for the most up to date tax information for your situation.

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